Wednesday, 21 November 2012


We last time saw the problem of infidelity or fornication. Here are suggestions on the way out. The best way to protect your spouse and yourself from infidelity is to have an affair with him or her. Reverse the process from last week’s article and be theirs for a lifetime.

ONE – Just Do It

1 Cor 7:2-5 “ Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.  Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband.  The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does.  Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.” Sounds crazy to start here but marriage is not the place for sexual boredom and lack of fulfillment . . . that’s the devil trying to trick us into making one of God’s greatest gifts to us joyless and duty laden. The downside to sexual contact is pretty high outside of marriage. Here are just a few of the reasons to avoid sex outside of marriage:

            1. It’s strong medicine that can blind us to a person’s true character.

            2. It can isolate us from others at crucial stages in life.

            3. Did anyone say sexually transmitted disease will be avoided

            4. Baby is a gift but sexual intimacy with your spouse is the only way to have one.

            5. Abortion or killing an unborn child will be avoided.

            6. Guilt of fornication will not be an issue

            7. Sin will be taken over by holiness.

            8. Depression  will be history.

            9. Statistically, we have a higher chance of divorce when avoiding sex

            10. We train our heart against unfaithfulness in marriage.

            11. Who wants to remember being with someone else once they tie the knot?

            12. Helps ability to focus on how God wants to use you to change the world.

Inside of a lifelong marriage commitment sexual intimacy is almost all positive.  It is sacred, beautiful, bonds two people together, and if a child is born that child is born into a home with a mother and father to provide for it. Contrary to popular belief, God is totally cool with it. In fact, he created it! 1 Corinthians 7:3 says, “3 The husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should fulfill her husband’s needs.” God created sex for pleasure, for bonding - and for babies. What better way to experience all those things than being with someone you totally have confidence in and are deeply committed to for life.

TWO Make The Choice to Trust God With Your Marriage not man

One of the things that people begin to think when they commit adultery is that they married the wrong person and that a good and gracious God brought this new person into their life to save them from their mistake. Yeah, I know, it’s a little crazy. We do and think lot’s of crazy thing. Here is a better plan: Trust that God meant what is written in the law of Christ that Adultery is a sin . Have you ever thought about this:  If God is good and gracious enough to bring a new person into your life isn’t he good and gracious enough to reconcile and repair the relationship you have with your spouse? Trust God with your marriage.

THREE Be Honest With Your Spouse

If though man likes hiding his failures but one of the best way to avoid problem is to make your weakness known. Don’t keep secrets. If you spend time with someone of the opposite sex let your spouse know. If you think someone is attracted to you then share that with your spouse. Don’t make excuses to be with the other person. Don’t tell your spouse you had an extra good workout at the gym when the truth is you had a 25 minute conversation with Susie. Don’t let your spouse believe that you had lunch with all of your co-workers when it was just you and Steve at club Tuesday’s earlier in the day. Be honest with your spouse and form a hedge of protection around your marriage.

FOUR – Compare to Build Up

When someone cheats they often compare the best of the other person to the worst of their spouse. Instead of comparing your spouse to others to tear your spouse down choose to compare build up. 2 Cor.  10:12  “ For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.”  What is your spouse good at? What are they talented at? What is it about them that caught your attention to begin with?  If your spouse comes home from work smelling bad then think about how proud you are that they work hard instead of just how stinky they are . . . then ask them gently to jump in the shower before dinner.

FIVE – Flirt, Date, Surprise

Flirt with him! Just because you are married does not mean that you stop flirting.  Embrace her unexpectedly. Sneak a kiss in the kitchen. Hold hands. Open the door. Write notes. Date! Don’t play the part of the poor hero who says, “I’ve never been anywhere without my kids for 10 years.” No! That’s not healthy. The best thing you can do for your kids is to date your spouse. They will feel secure because they will know that mom and dad are still in love. Surprise! Instead of sneaking off with someone else for a private encounter why don’t you surprise your spouse one day at work and sneak them away for a little time together. You can even rent a hotel room if you want. It’s all good.

SIX Share Life

Lean on each other emotionally. Support each other. Listen. Share. Give advice.  Support. Care. Encourage. Lift up. Don’t set your spouse up to look for emotional support from anyone else. Be there for them. Ladies, go the Bass Pro Shop with him. Guys, go to the show sale at Theater with her. Don’t go because you love guns or you love shoes. Go because you love him or you love her. Choose to spend time together. Find similar interests. Enjoy life together.

SEVEN – Convince Yourself It Can Happen and Stay On Guard.

Read this experience and learn to be on guard. As a young married man with three kids at home I was finishing my Master of Divinity degree with an intense J-term (four weeks of intensive study to get a single semester long class in). Daily class time was about 4-5 hours and then there would be 4-6 hours of homework, reading, and projects in the evening. I was eight hours from home and all by myself. I befriended a few people in my class. Several of them were single men and women. We would study, laugh, joke, eat, and discuss life together.  Over the course of the four week’s we got to know each other pretty well. There was one particular woman I was attracted to.  Without knowing, it I began to look forward to seeing her. I would think of her when I went to the library. I found myself hoping she would be in the cafeteria at meal times. She was fun, smart, pretty and called by God to full time ministry.  We were two ministers being trained to work in full time Christian ministry. Of course nothing would happen, right? On my last night on campus before finals the next day I thought that I would go up to the library just to “say goodbye to a few friends I had met.” As I approached the library I could see her studying through the window. At that moment I made a crucial decision. I turned and walked away. I realized that I didn’t go to the library to see friends, but to see her. Our relationship was innocent and friendly, but now I was seeking her out at 10 p.m. at night. Even if I had pushed, I doubt she would have let things become inappropriate, but it was better to be safe. It was better to walk away and risk offending a friend I had only known for a couple of weeks than risk damaging the relationship of a lifetime. I left that J-tern without saying goodbye to the woman whose name I can’t remember, but whom I’ll never forget. Fifteen years later I have no clue where she is or what she is doing . . . and that’s a good thing. Remember David in the Bible.


Remember these words often:

            In the name of God,

            I take you, to be my wife,

            to have and to hold

            from this day forward,

            for better, for worse,

            for richer, for poorer,

            in sickness and in health,

            to love and to cherish,

            until we are parted by death.

            This is my solemn vow.

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