How To Make Your Debtors or Owing Customers To
Pay Back The Money They Owe You Quickly!
I applied this simple and easy strategy in My
business and the result was awesome.
Are you a business owner or offering a
Are you getting frustrated that you work so
hard to provide quality service to your customers and yet they refuse to pay
you your money?
If you answer yes to the above questions, pay
attention to the secret I’m about to reveal to you now. Link: http://bit.ly/12VYoYs
... A Full Explanation Of Exactly What You
Need To Do To make your owing customers/debtors dip their hands into their
pockets and give you your money without further delay.
Who am I and why should I be in a position to share these secret strategies with you?
Who am I and why should I be in a position to share these secret strategies with you?
I was once in your situation, at one time all
I do was trying to please my customers and yet they were not paying me for the
service I render, I was wondering what might be the cause of this delay in
payment, until one day I stumbled upon this secret that I’m about to share with
you now.
Before I share this secret with you let me ask
you another simple question.
Do you want your debtors to start paying you
your money and also apologize to you for delaying your money?
Do you have a big project to start and your
money is in the hands of your debtors and you have tried all you could to
recover the money yet to no avail?
Is your business suffering due to customers
owing you and not wanting to pay back?
I have good news for you!
In this secret strategy you will be
• How to detect AND avoid a troublesome
customer even the first time you set your eyes on him.
• Secret steps you need to take now or you
will lose your money to ungrateful customers
• Powerful strategies you need to apply and
your debtors will have no more excuses to continue to hold on to your money.
• Simple telephone strategies that you need to
apply to make owing customers have no choice but to pay up.
• How to set specific date for debt recovery
such that your debtor will have no excuse but to pay after you have applied
some of these strategies in this report.
• The Appropriate time to present your invoice
( this is where people are getting it all wrong)
• A powerful and simple discount policy I used
on my business that made my customers to pay up on time even without me
bothering them to pay up.
• People that you need to stay away from when
it comes to doing debt free business.
• And Much more…….Click on http://bit.ly/12VYoYs
Price: ₦1,500.00
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